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13 books added

Robb Pritchard

Get a free copy of "Blood of the Druids" a short prequel to Brethren. Only available to subscribers of Robb's mailing list at

For the day job, I have the unbelievable privilege of travelling the world to test drive, and write about, classic Porsches and Ferraris and the occasional crazy off-roader.

The passion though, has long been writing novels. It’s taken a few long years to get here but Brethren is about to malt its fluffy fledgling feathers and be released into the wild. Hopefully, I wrote it well enough that it can fend for itself.

Genres: Historical
New and upcoming books
Foundation of the Dragon
   0.5. Blood of the Druids (2024)
   1. Brethren (2022)
   2. Usurpers (2023)
   3. Enemies of the Empire (2024)

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