book cover of Hester


And Other New England Stories
A collection of stories by

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1886 Excerpt: ...with scorn. "I sha'n't be so easy with Matilda as you've been, that's one thing. Since this sideboard has been such a trouble,--oh, here's Lucy!" "I've just come from the church," said this individual, running up the garret stairs; "and Samuel said I'd find you up here, Matilda,--what in the world!" she exclaimed, aghast, at the family party drawn up in solemn array around the old cabinet. "I think as much," echoed Samuel, following after to push his way into the group. "What, that old thing again? I wish 'twas burnt up, John, I do!" "I don't," said his brother, laughing. "I'm just beginning to get some fun out of it." "Precious little fun I see," said Samuel, going np to it. "And it's such an old thing to make a fuss over too. Why, I haven't looked into it for years. Here's the drawer we used to steal cookies from--don't you remember, John--when grandma's back was turned?" "Yes, I know," said his brother; "and I got all the whippings, while you made off with the cookies, I remember." "No such thing," laughed Samuel, trying to shove the drawer back. "Well, at any rate, I always waited for you, till you'd got through your whipping, to share the cookies, so you can't complain, John. Halloa! something sticks." "Take care!" said his brother. Too late! The old drawer, tender and worn by age, gave an ominous crack down the back, and out tumbled a bit of paper, yellow and crumpled by its long confinement where it had caught. "What's that?" exclaimed John, over his brother's shoulder. "Some old love-letter, probably," said Samuel, carelessly. "Here, toss it back." "I give and "--One end o...

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