Facebook Data Deletion Instructions

Fantastic Fiction allows users to sign up using Facebook login. Facebook provides us with the user's email address and name. We use this information to notify our users when new books are available by the authors they follow.

If you want to remove your information from Fantastic Fiction please follow these steps:

1. Close your Fantastic Fiction account:

Sign in to Fantastic Fiction using your Facebook login, and on the "Settings" page click "Close Account". Alternatively, you can email webmaster@fantasticfiction.com and we'll close your account.

Closing your account will remove your email address and name from our system, and also remove any authors and books you've added.

2. Remove Fantastic Fiction from your Facebook account:

Go to your Facebook Account's "Settings & Privacy"
Click "Settings"
Look for "Apps and Websites" and you will see all of the apps and websites you have linked with your Facebook account.
Look for "Fantastic Fiction" in the list.
Click "Remove".

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