Wendy Cooling's picture

Wendy Cooling

UK flag (1941 - 2020)

Wendy Cooling is an eminent figure in the world of children′s books. As a freelance consultant she works with schools, publishers, libraries and the government on the promotion of literacy and love of books. Wendy was a teacher of English in London secondary schools for many years and left to head up the then Children′s Book Foundation where she initiated the Book Start project, which is now run successfully throughout the country. She is an intrepid traveller - camel fairs in India being one of her favourites. Home is in Barnet.

Genres: Children's Fiction
Quids for Kids
   Bad Dreams (1997)
   Ghost Stories (1997)
   Go for Goal (1997)
   On the Run (1997)
   Stars in Your Eyes (1997)
   Time-watch (1997)
   Top Secret (1997)
   Weird and Wonderful (1997)
   Dare You (1997)
   Aliens to Earth (1997)
Picture Books show
Non fiction show

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