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104 books added

Howard Andrew Jones

When not helping run his small family farm or spending time with his amazing wife and children, Howard can be found hunched over his laptop or notebook, mumbling about flashing swords and doom-haunted towers. He has worked variously as a TV cameraman, a book editor, a recycling consultant, and a college writing instructor. He was instrumental in the rebirth of interest in Harold Lamb’s historical fiction, and has assembled and edited 8 collections of Lamb’s work for the University of Nebraska Press. His stories of Dabir and Asim have appeared in a variety of publications over the last ten years, and led to his invitation to join the editorial staff of Black Gate magazine in 2004, where he has served as Managing Editor ever since.

Genres: Fantasy
New and upcoming books
Series contributed to
Book of Blades
   1. A Book of Blades (2022) (with others)
Omnibus editions show
Howard Andrew Jones recommends
How to Become the Dark Lord (and Die Trying) (2024)
(Dark Lord Davi, book 1)
Django Wexler
"Witty and clever but stuffed with heart to boot, a wonderful twist on familiar tropes presented with skill and polish and Wexler's trademark pacing. I can hardly wait to read the next one!"
Empire of Exiles (2022)
(Books of the Usurper, book 1)
Erin M Evans
"Splendid world building, compelling mysteries and characters, and a fascinating magic system. Erin Evans delivers the goods."
Saint Death's Daughter (2022)
(Saint Death, book 1)
C S E Cooney
"C.S.E. Cooney has always been a consummate wordsmith, but with Saint Death's Daughter she proves she's a master of long form fantasy as well. Cooney sets her budding young necromancer adrift in a dazzlingly dark, weird, engaging and strangely warm world alive with memorable characters, hidden secrets and sinister intrigues. Everything, from tiny elements of characterization to overall pacing to information about the setting, is handled with a deft skill others should strive to emulate. This is a masterful work from a writer at the top of her game. I can hardly wait to see what she conjures next!"

More recommendations 

Books containing stories by Howard Andrew Jones
Paladins of Valor (2024)
(Libri Valoris, book 5)
edited by
Rob Howell
Neither Beg Nor Yield (2024)
Stories with S&S Attitude
edited by
Jason M Waltz
Weird Tales Magazine No. 366 (2023)
Sword & Sorcery Issue
(Weird Tales Magazine)

More books 

Award nominations
2024 Prometheus Award (nominee) : Lord of a Shattered Land

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