Janrae Frank

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Janrae Frank had polio in 1962 at the age of 8. While in the CD ward, she was given an expensive pen and pencil set by her grandmother, who told her "Whip them with a pencil." During the years that she was learning to walk again, she became an avid reader.

Her first professional sale was in 1978, when she sold a story to Amazons! (editor Jessica Amanda Salmonson, DAW 1979).

All of her stories and novels are set in the world of Daverana. She has been writing in that world since she was 18 and it has grown in the telling.

Most of her books are out in ebook, but the Dark Brothers of the Light series will begin coming out in print format in Fall 13 in illustrated editions.
Lycan Blood
   1. Serpent's Quest (2008)
   4. Kynyr's War (2010)
   5. The Exile Returns (2010)
   7. The Shadowed Princes (2010)
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Anthologies edited
   New Eves (1994) (with Forrest J Ackerman and Jean Marie Stine)

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